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Summer Solstice Rituals of 2023

Solar Wheel Craft Video Below:

Happy Litha//Summer Solstice 🌞

It is traditionally a time when the light reaches its peak in the wheel of the year and we have the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere and the longest night in the southern hemisphere.

This energy correlates with the sun moving into the Cancer constellation and denotes a rebalancing of light and dark in the heavens as well as on earth. Even though we are technically at the peak of both light and dark, the wheel is moving back towards the other again.

Energetically it brings with it a sense of slowing down, recognition of things that have been hard worked for, and also a need for some celebration.

In the peak of light- we are now cascading back towards darkness. This is the most epic day of the year for casting manifestation magick.

In the south: at the peak of darkness, you are now cascading back towards the hope of light again. This is the most epic day of the year for release work and renewal.

The Wheel of the Year teaches us that everything is a season and is meant to be honored, seen, felt, and witnessed in both body and ritual. It's important to mark the turning of the seasons with rituals and festivities like our ancestors did- they create a magical threshold or portal for potential.

In other news, the Schumann resonance has been off the wall this past week- i'll share a link below to learn about the crazy surges of energy.

It is time to honor the peak of the years solar energy in the north and peak of darkness in the south. What is being brought to light, and what is being put to rest?

Here are some rituals you could partake in for Litha//Summer Solstice:

-Wake up with the sunrise and let the sun shine over your entire body to strengthen you.

-Make solar water in the sun tomorrow: fill a clear mason jar with fresh water and put the lid on it- set it in a window that gets early morning light then drink it or use it in a spell.

-Make sun tea and biscuits/cookies.

-Bread baking or making sweets

-Lighting a bonfire and jumping the flame for good luck.

-Putting on a dark lip and dressing up in your most sexy outfit and taking sensual pictures.

-Celebrating the light and all you are grateful for.

-Casting a manifestation based spell

-Making flower crowns and doing art with reds, golds, yellows, and oranges

-Make offerings to your ancestors and deities

-Change your spell altar to reflect the peak of solar energy.

-Make a Solar Wheel craft to honor the sun.

I have attached a ritual craft I make each year for you to partake in should you want to:

I also wanted to share the link for the FREE class I am teaching THIS SUNDAY 6/25 11AM-1PM On Jupiter in Taurus that you will get the link for when you subscribe to my newsletters here at

Are you needing personal spiritual and life coaching direction?

If so, Look below- you'll see the link to book with me.

I am booked out into July at this point. If you've been wanting to work with me, jump in there.

If you know that you're like, you know what, Lauren, I also, I'm interested in doing coaching with you and really like taking advantage of this solar energy book a free 45 minute illumination call with me, And I will tell you all about my coaching program and we'll see if it's the right fit for you.

All right guys, I hope that this was helpful and I will see you next time.

Natal Chart Reading link:

Coaching call:

Have a blessed eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde witches.

Lauren Wilde

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