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Capricorn Full Moon 2023

Capricorn Full Moon Astro-cast below:

Happy Capricorn Full Moon 🌞

The full moon is at 7:39AM EST on July 3rd, 2023 at 11* of Capricorn.

When the The Moon is exactly opposite the Sun we have a full moon. Currently the Sun is in Cancer, the sun will be at 11* Cancer exactly opposite Capricorn. The sun will be conjunct Mercury within a three degree orb. When the Sun is conjunct Mercury It brings a lot of extra illumination to the area of the zodiac sign the natives chart and in the collective. This will be illuminating Cancer and Capricorn. The axis of the home and work, as well as mother and father.

This full moon is going to shine a light on all things that have to do with mothering, your emotions, your subconscious mind, your heart, your relationship to kids if you have kids, and your home and your drive for security and nourishment.

When the moon is in Capricorn, it brings with it a need for a plan and a sense of success. It wants a plan to move towards something to achieve its goals. It has high level standards.

We get this full moon in Capricorn every year during Cancer season, every around time of the year. Now what's also happening at this time is that Neptune will have just stationed retrograde at 27* of Pisces.

At this point we've got Saturn Retrograde at 7* degrees of Pisces, Neptune Retrograde, and Pluto Retrograde.

What we also need to look at Venus and Mars, which are tracking still really close together In the middle degrees of Leo with black moon Lilith. We have Venus retrograde as well as the nodal access moving into Aries in just a couple weeks. So there's a lot happening in July and I'm going to do a whole channeled post on that. But there is a lot happening astrologically in July, so much change and movement and opportunity. And this Capricorn full moon is really, highlighting exactly what we need to see TO BE SUCCESSFUL.

With the sun conjunct Mercury during this full moon it's going to shine a light on what we need to see and communicate, in order to achieve our goals.

So what this is going to bring for most people is information that will highlight the concept of our work and home balance.

What kind of career we want to have, how we might want to change our career. How we might want to accelerate our career goals, get more clear, have a better plan, execute something, launch something. It's really bringing with it a sense of success and purpose when there is a plan.

At this time, Jupiter will also be at nine degrees Taurus TRINE the moon at 11* of its fellow earth sign.

When we look at the nodal axis, the shadows of the moon, they are now at zero degrees of Tours and Scorpio during this lunation.

What does that mean? It means that we have about three weeks of closing out that whole narrative that took 20 years to come into fruition previously (since 2003). It's taken the last 18 months to two years to close out. So this has a lot to do with what we building as a final attempt.

It's time to ask are we building simple sustainable practices that lead us towards long term success and sustainability? The North node in Taurus trine the Capricorn full moon will DRIVE US TOWARD Success and sustainability.

Is what I am putting my energy and attention into going to help me make the money I need to make?

(This is very important, all right. We need to really ask ourselves: "Is it lining up with my values? Is it simple? Do I want to do this work anymore?" Jupiter at 9* Taurus TRINE the Capricorn Moon is really asking us to work in a harmonious way towards materializing something REAL and putting some earth under it.

It's time to hire that coach, business mentor, take that class, sign up for that certification, etc.

It's time to start creating strategies and long term plans for success.

Journal prompts for the full moon:

1) What do I want to do to make money?

2) Is there a balance between my work and home currently? If not how to change that.

3) What three steps can I actually take to achieve success in my goals?

4) When am I going to start?

5) What is my completion deadline?

6) How will I stay accountable to my goals and timeline?



This lunation will be interesting for America as She has her annual solar return and lunar return.

America is the middle of her first Pluto Return and this full moon is big time shining a light on all things American centric American values/Traditions.

America is facing it's changes- a nation divided between those that want to hold onto its toxic roots woven with white supremacy, misogynism, xenophobia, and high control puritanical religions- while the other half wants to progress and support American peoples rights to be whoever they want to be.

I was at Walmart this morning. I had to get my kid some new swim shorts anand it was so funny because Budweiser was like an aesthetic on the summer shelves. However, this year A lot of the people that would typically be "Budweiser people" are now changing their values because Budweiser is tied to Bud Light a company that published a commercial this past year with a transgender woman drinking bud light promoting the beer.

So in reaction a lot of really, really racist, homophobic conservatives have started doing crazy things to rebel against bud light. And so it's just an interesting way of like looking at how Uranus and Taurus is bringing changes to old traditions.

America is changing, the values are changing. We've only got another year and a half of Pluto retrograde back into Capricorn. As of March of next year, we'll be fully in the Pluto in Aquarius twenty year era.

At this full moon we're getting a values review, looking back before we really tread forward into this new era of what what is American and It'll definitely be very interesting as we get into Pluto in Aquarius, which is the last time that happened was during the American Revolution



Wherever eleven degrees of Capricorn is in your chart, there is going to be some sort of completion that began for you, around December- mid January that will be powerful for you.

Something is coming to completion, something that came up for you during that time that now needs to be celebrated, released and moved towards fully. Wherever eleven degrees of Cancer is for you natally, is where the Sun and Mercury are really shining a light on things you need to speak about, talk about, feel about, and move towards.

Ask yourself: what are our family values, what is security, what does food and wellness nutrition look like for me? How do I feel in my body? How do I want to make and take steps towards healing my nutrition, healing my body, healing my endocrine system. Things like that always come up with Cancer season because right after Cancer season we start to get into Leo and Virgo season, which ask us to start to pay attention to how we feel, how we show up, how we're seen. Especially Virgo season, that's where we get our, we get an opportunity to get our lives together every year. You know, harvest season organized and things like that.

Cancer season, it's very much about your home, it's about the real estate market. It has to do particularly with women- last year this time is when we lost Roe V Wade. With Black Moon Lilith in Cancer last year this was a major issue that really affected particularly female identified folks and birthing people.

Last year when Black Moon Lilith was in Cancer was also when we had the formula crisis here in America and a lot of people could not feed their babies because there was very, very low supplies of baby formula.

So really shining a light on particularly on female identified folks.

Especially as Venus and Mars are so close together in Leo at the time of this lunation. There's been a lot of back and forth about "what is feminine and what is masculine and pronouns and this and that" and um, it, it is gonna be an interesting time in that way.

And for any of you that are interested, I'm a hundred percent pro. Supporting people, however they identify. That is sovereignty at its most basic stance. It's right to honor people the way that they want to be honored.

If their name is a name that is other than what was on their birth certificate, honor them by going by the name they want to be known by, by their pronouns. It doesn't matter how we feel about somebody else's lives, doesn't matter. All that matters is that we respect people in the way in which they wanna be respected. Because it goes back and forth, right, be nice or say nothing at all in the words of Thumper.

I hope this was helpful for you.

My Capricorn Moon ritual suggestion to you sit down and talk, especially with the sun in a conjunction of Mercury.

You need to talk about your feelings. You needed to talk about, your sense of balance between work and home, your sense between productivity and rest. You need to talk about money and your relationship to capitalism and productivity And from that conversation maybe record yourself while you're talking, turn it into a list ofof tasks that you actually want to complete,. As yourself what is going to help you streamline, what is gonna help you move towards success and achievement, whether that is in your career or where you live or both.

Consider hiring a coach, teacher, guide, or locking down an accountability partner.

Sign up for that training, certification, etc you have wanted to do as long as it leads to sustainable growth and success towards your goals.

Happy Manifesting Mystics and Witches.

I also wanted to share the link for the FREE class I am teaching in July On Venus Retrograde that you will get the link for when you subscribe to my newsletters here at

Are you needing personal spiritual and life coaching direction?

If so, Look below- you'll see the link to book with me.


If you've been wanting to work with me, jump in there.

If you know that you're like, you know what, Lauren, I also, I'm interested in doing coaching with you and really like taking advantage of this full moon energy fill out my simple consult form and I will tell you all about my coaching program, hybrids, and courses- and we'll see if it's the right fit for you.

All right babes, I hope that this was helpful and I will see you next time.

Natal Chart Reading link:

Coaching call:

Have a blessed Full Moon.

Lauren Wilde

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