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Thoughts on Wilde Apprenticeship


Do you hear the call.. the slow beating of your heart drum seeking to find its shrouded source?

Do you dream of crafting healing brews, bare feet and breasts/chests under the silver full moon?

Do you yearn to be seen, fully and witnessed in sovereignty- do you wish to heal and be healing to others?

Do you crave learning how to exist deeply and safely in your body- to learn what it means to BE the altar and sacred container you seek?

Do you feel the pull of your soul aching to shed its weary roles- to slowly and surely slink out of the tight skin that binds you.. to lean into the new, and supple skin that awaits you?

Did you know wild one that that fresh, new baby skin will need to be protected, shielded and taught a new way to live so that you don’t repeat the same cycles as before?

That you will need time, nourishment, support, and new perspectives to help you grow and learn to walk- then run again?

I am Lauren Wilde, and was born to do this- to guide souls into their awakening and hold fierce and loving space as you find your own true and sovereign way.. because the truth is you aren’t looking for me or my way- you are looking for your soul. And as a person who came out of toxic exvangelical spiritual spaces, it is of upmost importance to me that those patterns aren’t repeated- that spiritual leaders aren’t to be on pedestals, no that’s the same wolf, different clothing.

No- it is to be in service to others through kind and clear teachings that guide you back to yourSELF. It is to lovingly hold up the sacred mirror without attachments so that you can free your SELF.

I am no savior here, and neither are you.

I vowed to never put myself in the savior position again when I left my church- and refuse to be that person.

I promise to guide you, teach you, and initiate you into finding and integrating into your soul level SELF.

If you feel the call- if you feel the knowing in your bones that I am your teacher, and you resonate with these people it’s- then join me and 12 other seeking souls in Class of 2024 Wilde Apprenticeship. Take your seat at the fire and put your deposit down today here...


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